Hi, I'm Kimberly
I'm here to help you stop stressing, and
start living life by your own rules.
I'm an international ICF accredited Life, Career, & Business Coach. I specialize in stress management, mindset, resilience, and goal achievement, and I support busy, ambitious, and overworked women, mothers, and entrepreneurs struggling with chronic stress and exhaustion. I help my clients stop stressing, build mental stamina, and increase their focus, energy and resilience, so they can excel personally and professionally, and move confidently through life’s challenges and transitions.
Trust me, I didn't just land here by accident.
I grew into adulthood checking the boxes of "accomplishment" that the world said would bring me happiness, fulfillment and inner peace. Within six years I relocated from New York, to Texas, to Florida, and back to Texas. I started three new jobs, got married, bought two houses and became a mother. To say I have been through some life transitions is an understatement!
Change had become a constant element in my life and over time I was proud of how I learned to adapt like an expert. But there came a time when keeping up with my life, adapting, and surviving wasn't enough, and it didn't always go as planned.

“It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.”
― Dieter F. Uchtdorf
My life was becoming more and more stressful. I was a new mother working full-time with a spouse who was overworked, and suffering from chronic stress of his own. A single mother from day one, I did my best to play the roles of supportive spouse, counselor, mother and house manager; along with the other 45+ hours I put in at my day job as a Recruiting Manager. The truth was that although I strived for perfection I was missing the mark big-time. I felt alone and completely unsupported.
I was exhausted and anxious on a whole new level. Shortness of breath, panic attacks, medicine... I started seeing a counselor, but I lacked the support I needed to make effective changes. I felt stuck and wondered how long I could actually live like this. This wasn't living, and in my heart I knew there had to be an easier way. There had to be an easier path towards the success and lifestyle I dreamed about.

I was at a serious breaking point. My shortness of breath had scared me into consulting my doctor. His question, "Are you experiencing any stress in your life?" was laughable!
I was prescribed Lexapro and was scared to take it. I have always been more of a natural remedy type of girl. I knew there would be side effects. I did my research and told myself that I had to at least try it to see if I could get some relief. I was desperate to feel better.
It helped! A lot! Time slowed down. I didn't feel the enormous pressure to get so much done. My symptoms were eased, and suddenly I was noticing things I hadn't in a while. I was able to get out of my head and notice the birds chirping, the wind in the trees, and see all the beauty in my life and the world that I had been missing.
“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.”
—Arthur Somers Roche
The relief of medication was temporary.
After a year on Lexapro I noticed that I wasn't feeling the same initial relief. I knew that if I went to the doctor they would most likely increase my dosage. Although it had served a purpose for me, I had an urge to be more in control of my own physical, mental, and emotional health and wellness rather than rely solely on medication.
Let me say this, and please hear me. Medication is a personal choice. You always need to do what is best for you and your health. If that means medication is part of your anxiety tool kit forever, you should NOT be ashamed of it. In many cases it may be a necessity. But I also believe that medication is often prescribed without a lot of fact finding around the root cause for anxiety and depression. This was the case for me.
There came a time when I knew that my anxiety was just an alarm to the other things in my life that I finally needed to start facing.
My marriage was in trouble, I was procrastinating on everything, drowning in to-do lists, my confidence was shot, and I constantly wondered why I just couldn't get a grip on things? Why can't I get out of my own way, and make progress? I started projects but never finished them, and the worst part was that
I always ended up right back where I had started. Feeling defeated and desperate.
I was a mother now, raising a daughter and I needed to get my shit together.
I informed my doctor and started to wean myself off the medication. I was on a mission to not only live my best life, but do it in a natural and holistic way.
** Please note, abruptly stopping any type of medication, especially medication for anxiety/depression can cause adverse side effects. You should always consult a physician before stopping your prescribed medication. **
So what did I do?
I committed to evolving into my highest self and becoming more resilient! I didn't want to be overwhelmed by my life anymore, or let big challenges derail me. I wanted to believe I could handle anything, confidently go after my wildest dreams, and be able to bounce back from any setback that was thrown my way. I wanted to feel prepared, energized, excited by life again, and strong!
Our culture has normalized living in a constant state of stress, overwhelm, and anxiety and we humans have become really good at adapting. But just because we (sometimes) carry it well, doesn't mean it isn't heavy, right?
Your parents will tell you sacrifice and suffering are a part of life. No Sister, they're wrong. Challenges are a part of life, and learning how to build resilience so you can navigate them with confidence and ease is essential to your success, health and happiness.
Over the last 7 years, I've been able to get off my anxiety medication, and consistently manage my stress and overwhelm in a natural and holistic way. I've developed strategies that have allowed me to regain a positive and resilient mindset, feel in control again, and exponentially increase my energy, confidence and productivity,
while crushing my goals and living my dream!
Life keeps getting better!

If you are expecting a big life change, currently within one, coming out of a big transition, or ready to take your life, career, and/or business to the next level - you don't have to navigate the dark rocky road alone.
That's where I come in.
If you want more for yourself - you were meant for more! Don't waste more of your precious time and life trying to figure it out alone. Sometimes the bravest thing you can do, is ask for support.
Are you ready?! Let's do this!!
Book your FREE consultation to explore how coaching may be the solution you've been seeking.

Who I am as a Coach
As a coach I take your journey as seriously as my own. Deciding to go to the next level in your life, career, and/or business is a big decision and I am always honored when someone chooses me to be their Coach.
As a coach I am your number one hype girl! I'm always in your corner. With unlimited support between sessions, you literally have me in your back pocket for Coaching-on-the-Go™, anytime, anywhere, about anything. No topics are off the table, and everything we discuss is always confidential.
During our work together, you will be challenged. I will always hold you accountable with love and compassion, while gently nudging you when I know you are in need of extra motivation.
Although our time together will be future focused and action oriented, we’re also going to have a lot of fun! Coaching is a big and exciting step in your personal and professional journey, but no one ever said it had to be boring!

Fun Facts:
I was born in Arizona, raised in upstate New York, lived in Florida for 4 ½ years and have called Houston, Texas my home for 8 years.
I was married for 10 years, have one daughter {Amelia}, and am in the most friendly co-parenting relationship imaginable with my ex-husband.
I really love astrology, and following the moon cycles. I’m a Libra Sun, Libra Moon, and Gemini Rising!
I love to cook, but I really love baking and spoiling my friends and family with homemade treats!
In my free time I love to…
→ Play and snuggle with my daughter and 2 adorable dachshunds, Winnie & Doyal.
→ Stay active with yoga, running, hiking, biking, swimming etc. I love them all!
→ Spend quality time with friends exploring Houston or traveling.
→ Travel to see my family, friends, and explore new destinations.
→ Read personal development books, articles and watch documentaries.
Bachelor of Arts, Sociology & Psychology
University of New York at Albany
ICF Accredited Life Coaching Certification
Beautiful You Coaching Academy, Australia